I fixed issue #1 by setting vertical_alignment="top" on the column that contains the grid that contains the left "half" of the dialog.
local dialogDefinition = { T.tooltip { id = "tooltip" }, T.helptip { id = "tooltip_large" }, T.linked_group { id = "ar_position", fixed_width = true, }, T.linked_group { id = "ar_unit", fixed_width = true }, T.linked_group { id = "av_unit", fixed_width = true }, T.linked_group { id = "header_label", fixed_width = true }, T.grid { T.row { T.column { T.grid { T.row { T.column { id = 'autorecall_list', vertical_alignment="top", T.grid { T.row { T.column { T.label { use_markup=true, label = "<span size='large' color='yellow'>" .. _"Units to be Automatically Recalled (" .. #ar_list .. "/" .. max_autorecall .. ")</span>" } } }, T.row { T.column { autorecall_treeview } }, } },
Statistics: Posted by white_haired_uncle — Today, 3:21 am